Dear Facebook
When relationships end the leaving party will often begin by saying “its not you, it’s me” well, unfortunately, it’s not me, it’s you. It is you who changed, who stopped agreeing with my wants and needs, you who hasn’t grown with me. We used to be so close you and I, I would spend many an hour with you just scrolling, leaving you notes and sending you pictures and memes, I would visit you to go to groups and catch up with friends. Until you turned on me that is, until you told me that I was wrong for talking about sexuality, until you said that my interests were unacceptable and that even though I am an adult, I shouldn’t be allowed to engage in any conversations which did not fit under your rules. You’re suffocating me, controlling me, gaslighting me and I can’t take any more. Ever since you saw what your friend Tumblr was up to you had to follow suit. Well no more I say, I have to be true to me and I just can’t be while I am still with you. We can stay friends, I will pop by and see you every once in a while, but it will never be the same, we will never be like we once were, our love affair is over and though it is sad when a love affair dies we have pretended enough, we can not go on trying to pretend it is like it used to be when I had the freedom to be myself. You have banned groups I loved and often block me from contacting you, you have even banned me from seeing certain friends. I think we just have to accept now that enough is enough and go our separate ways. My passion is clearly too intense for us to survive but I will look back fondly on the fun we had, on the shared gifs, the little reminders you would leave me but the decline into silence and doubt is too much.
With Regret
As you can see by my ‘Dear John’ letter to Facebook, my affair with them is over, like Tumblr they are pushing all adult and NSFW content off their platform, platforms that have been half built off the work done in this industry. Considering that you can’t even use facebook until you are a teenager the majority of users are adults yet we are being told what we can and can’t post under their community guidelines. Groups and pages already have age restrictions on them so why not just add age restrictions to the whole site?
Twitter, don’t get any ideas!
At least we will always have Fetbox, the social media platform without safewords, a platform where you can post about kink and the adult industry without fear of judgement or ridicule, without worrying about a stray nipple in a photo have your account restricted or removed completely. A safe space for adult workers and fet aficionados to chat, share and network.
The social media king is dead, long live the social media king.
With Christmas fast approaching I am planning my party calendar so if anyone would like to suggest a party or advertise one that they are throwing please drop me an email or DM me on twitter. I certainly have the Eureka New Years Eve shindig pencilled in on my calendar, if last years was anything to go by it will be a sexually charged awesome night. Tickets are now available for their New Years Eve Masquerade Ball with prices starting at £20.
Make sure to get your club and party reviews coming in, tell the world which are the best and worst swinging and BDSM venues that you have attended. Maybe you have found a hidden gem or have been disappointed by a well-known location, either way, tell the rest of the community.
Right then party people, until next time – stay decadent!
Email [email protected]
Social Media:
Twitter @decadence_dr
Insta @dandecadence
Facebook @decadenceparties