In the current HEATWAVE retired builder Alfie Thomas thought he’d come up with the perfect way of COOLING DOWN on the cheap, the 68yo emptied out his WHEELIE BIN and filled it with water much to the disapproval of his local council who when they got to hear about threated to fine Alfie for mis-use of council property.
Alfie told DAILY SPORT “I was a bloody hot last week and thought to myself F**K IT let tip all the crap out of the bin and fill it with water to cool down it’ll be just like a jacuzzi except for the fact I’ll have FART to get the BUBBLES,
“My neighbours all thought it was a great idea,
“Then one of the miserable buggers must of GRASSED me up to the BIN NAZI’s at the council.”
When DAILY SPORT contacted Alfie’s local council they declied to comment on the record but siad he was making a mockery of our recycling policy.