Jess educates King Willie on big boobs

Breast expert Jessica-Jane Clement has been educating Willie Carson on boobs and Botox in the I’m A Celeb camp.

Willie asked: “How much Botox can a woman get in her boobs?”

“Well I can answer that Willie, you don’t get Botox in your boobs” explained the busty glamour model. “Botox is to stop wrinkles”.

Intrigued further, Willie asked:” What do you put in your boobies?”

“In your boobies, you put silicone or saline or fat possibly some injections there is something else you can pop in there I am not too sure, mainly silicone or saline bags”.

“So you just pop it in?” he quizzed.

“Yes, over or under the muscle…I imagine you’d go over the muscle if you want a false booby effect, padding under muscle.

“You can go under the boob and through the armpit, round through the nipple, sometimes up through the belly button high projections, flat projections,  tear drop or big old round ones, they last as long as you want until you want them re-done, usually 10 or 15 years later. Mine have a lifetime guarantee” revealed The Real Hustle star.

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