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So I am not really one for listening to the radio as I generally don’t get excited by the song choices and I have no interest in the inane drivel from the presenters. That was until a twitter friend of mine posted about a station called Secret 102 Radio, a station purely aimed at those with an interest in adult pursuits, and no I don’t mean slippers and cocoa. This is the UK’s only 24/7 adult radio station and prides itself on playing today’s biggest hits and yesterday’s classics while bringing you news and chat relevant to your Lifestyle. Having listened for a few weeks I have heard talk of strap on parties, fetish parties, D/s dynamics and a myriad of other NSFW chatter. So if you like a good range of music and prefer relaxed and adult orientated conversation with a bit of filth thrown in for good measure, then www.secret102radion.com could be just the place for you. Although they broadcast 24/7 the best time to tune in is on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday evenings from 9 to 11 pm for The Asylum with Dr Adam Green and The Other Bloke. The show is jam packed with great tunes and interesting chat, each day they have different content such as midweek moans and ravey gravy Thursdays and nightly there is the Mistress Chart where listeners can vote for their favourite ProDomme.
I think what I enjoy most about it is the interaction as they often have people either in the studio with them or phone in, it seems like they all know each other and you almost feel as if you’re listening in to a group of friends on a night out. Once a month, on the first Sunday, they open up the forum to all things submissive with Sub Sunday where Dr Adam Green is joined by a gentleman known as Pet, there are amazing giveaways and the chart is flipped on its head so that votes are for favoured subs.
Throughout the week, from Monday to Saturday, the afternoon is the domain of Richard who plays a good selection of old and new tunes though I haven’t been listening long to get the jist of the Wombles joke. When you start tuning in you will notice a lot of ongoing jokes which tend to gain momentum and certainly do appear to get the listeners calling in a frenzy.
So when the missus is moaning and you’ve had enough of the fatuous nonsense on the TV why not tune in to the radio and even participate by phoning in or tweeting them while they are on air. I may phone in for a chat myself in the coming weeks, so listen out and see if you hear me.
Make sure to get your club and party reviews coming in, tell the world which are the best and worst swinging and BDSM venues that you have attended. Maybe you have found a hidden gem or have been disappointed by a well-known location, either way, tell the rest of the community.
By the time you read this, the second annual UK Glamour Awards will have been and gone. This exclusive event is the culmination of months of voting for the top adult models in the industry over a selection of categories and is sponsored by such luminaries as Eureka Lifestyle, Babelicious.online and your one and only Daily Sport. Did you attend? Did you vote and if so who for? Drop me an email and let me know what you thought.
Right then party people, until next time – stay decadent!
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