Why we all need more sex with our partners!

Chantelle 160Hello Everyone,

Well the weather has been so lovely down here in Essex, enough to put anyone in a great mood.

Talking of good moods, I really wanted to be the reason my partner is in a good mood every morning on his way to work, so read on to see what I have been doing.


Why you need to have more sex with your partner………….

Now I am a mum, I know how your relationship with your partner can take a back seat, not to mention your sex life.
When life gets busy, one of the first things to go in a relationship is sex. You’re either too tired, too full, too stressed, too distracted. Simply not in the mood.
But there are plenty of couples out there who are doing the deed five, six, seven or more times a week.

So instead of making up reasons why you shouldn’t have sex with your partner. Here are some reasons why you should.

1. It provides some much-needed couple time.
Having sex every night is a moment in the day that it is just the two of you when you are parents. Spend the night expressing how you feel about each other physically. Having sex allows you to be passionate, to show affection and enjoy pleasing each other.

2. It leads to more PDA outside of the bedroom.
Be physically expressive to one another, even when you’re not having sex. Hold hands, maybe slap your partners butt as they walk past. Having more sex creates more physicallness (I made that word up lol) even when your not in the bedroom.

3. It can be a workout if you do it right.
First of all I hate exercising, secondly I don’t have time to exercise, so this is a great way to stay fit, healthy, and maybe shift a few lbs.

4. It gets you out of your head for a little while.
Sex can be a complete escape from reality. You might have been having a bit of a naff day, and having sex makes you forget about it all.

5. It builds trust.
New positions and sexual frontiers take a lot of trust in your partner to not screw it up, and that kind of trust is best earned after several years of personal and joint bodily exploration.

6. It’s a way to connect without speaking.
Sex is a vital part of marriage. It brings couples together in a way that other things don’t. What I mean is that it promotes togetherness, snuggling and cuddling, and it’s a way to connect without words.

7. You might end up arguing less.
You know when something is off with your partner. And most importantly, you won’t argue or bicker! It’s so much easier to just sit down and talk things out. Staying connected like that helps you communicate better outside of the bedroom.

8. It forces you to get creative.
Being intimate so often, and sharing what each person needs and wants allows the freedom of creativity. This will makes you feel more and more comfortable to share fantasies etc.

9. It’s easier to schedule than a formal date night.
I think it’s the easiest way to have some romance. Plus, you know your partner will love it. It’s a great date night lol.

10. One word: Orgasms.
I don’t even need to explain why this is so amazing lol.

11. It improves self-esteem.
It will bring a new level of happiness for you, and help your self-esteem.

12. it’s a guaranteed mood booster.
Apparently whistling, is a sign that someone “got their leg over” I guarantee your partner will be doing something the next day that you know they are in a great mood because of the night before.

13. If you use it, you won’t lose it.
If sex is such a large part of your routine and a big priority, it never becomes low priority or gets weird or awkward. And you won’t have to worry about how to resume or reconnect. Just don’t ever stop doing it!

Now you’re not making excuses to have sex, how about upping your sex lives with some of these ideas.

1. Get away
Summer’s the perfect time to take a break. A new environment will snap you out of the routine and help you reconnect – on all levels. Plus you won’t need to worry about waking your neighbours up. And I know about that lol.

2. Play games
If strip poker’s not your bag, try corrupting some of your childhood favourites instead. How about sexy Monopoly, where instead of properties you’re playing for sexual favours? Maybe strip scissor, papers, stone? This is one pre-sex situation where it’s completely okay (and advised) to be laughing hysterically.

3. Switch it up
Stuck in a bit of a position rut? Try some of these ways to make missionary more magical, or, if you’re feeling a bit ore adventurous, why not make it your summer sex mission to work your way through a list of sex positions?

4. Shower together
Taking a shower together is the perfect way to cool down as the weather starts hotting up – and after the inevitable hilarity of getting shampoo in each other’s eyes and trying not to fall over while kissing, you’ll feel totally connected and energised – perfect conditions for amazing sex.

5. Try some toys
What once seemed totes taboo is now completely the norm. You can even get vibrators in Boots these days (cheers, Durex), so rack up those advantage card points and enjoy the BIG advantages in the bedroom.

6. Do something thrilling
Adventurous activities have been proven to increase dopamine, the neurotransmitter that plays a big role in sexual desire, and summer’s the perfect time to get out for some. Get booking in for some rock-climbing or rafting for some high octane fun that’ll lead to thrills in bed, too.

7. Work out
This might sound sweaty for all the wrong reasons but hear us out. In a study of women ages 45 to 55, sexual satisfaction correlated directly to fitness, so if you want to feel at the top of your sex game, get exercising.

8. Get frisky en route
Whether you’re on a plane, train or automobile, get your summer holiday off to a hot start by getting steamy on the way. Whether that’s just a passionate make out session or full-blown sex is up to you.

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