Pat not amused at camp skivvy role

Pat Sharp was far from impressed when Prince Willie and Princess Lorraine made him the I’m A Celeb camp skivvy and ordered him top pander to their every whim.

At first, the DJ put on a brave face to the other camp mates and accepted his task graciously.

But in the Bush Telegraph he confessed: “I’ve got the job of skivvy which means I have to attend to their bed and their every need. I’m very upset about the role. Gutted.”

But Pat, who was forced to wear an old fashioned maid’s hat fought back in his own usual style against the role by preparing a large and luxurious four poster bed for the newly appointed Royal couple – and placing Lorraine’s beloved bear Tedward on it, upside down.

He then he announced: “Your bed awaits you Prince and Princess if you fancy a quick afternoon nookie session.”

“I think we’re a bit long in the tooth for that,” replied Lorraine.

“Well it’s not long in the tooth that you’re after love at your age” responded Pat. “At my age, that was a nice touch. Thank you Pat” said Lorraine.

Nevertheless, Lorraine thought that Pat coped well with being given the title. “Pat being given the title of Skivvy reacted terribly well actually and offered to give me a piggy back to the royal bed. (Tedward) is quite happy up there,” she explained. “It’s nice and comfortable for him. At least up there he’s safe. Nobody can touch him”.

“Oh Tedward’s been put upside down. Why am I not surprised who did that. Oi Skivvy!” she shouted when finding Tedward’s inelegant pose.

But Pat’s role evoked sympathy from some of the other campmates. Antony said: “Mixed reactions with the roles. Would you be happy to be jungle Skivvy? I wouldn’t be.”

And Crissy added: “Poor Pat. Pat’s got Skivvy. I think that’s the ultimate Tedward revenge because Tedward is sitting in the bed looking down at him. There is a God!”

Pat was later chosen by the public to go head-to-head with Fatima in a BushTucker trial to decide who will be the thrid contestant to exit the jungle. The outcome of the battle will be shown on tonight’s programme.


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