Have a Decadent 2019

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So a new year begins and with it, it brings new hope for the future, new wishes being made and resolutions broken by the 1st. How did you start your year? Was it as you mean to go on? Did you see 2019 in with your nearest and dearest, with your head between the legs of a nubile blond or bending your slut over for a good spanking?

The holidays have bought in a slew of questions, the close proximity with family clearly brings out people’s deviant sides and debauched behaviour.

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So my naughty lot, surgery is open

Dear Dr Decadence

A few days before Christmas was my works do. We went clubbing after and I ended up taking a very sexy older woman home with me. Only problem is, I have a girlfriend. The lady left in the morning and I assumed it would be forgotten as a moment of madness.

So over Christmas I stayed with my new girlfriends family who I had not met before. We got there Christmas Eve and when I met her mum I nearly had a heart attack, it was the lady from the club!

Her mum didn’t seem to remember or recognise but it was an uncomfortable few days.

Should I mention it or hope it never comes up?


Hi C

Cheating is never a good idea and often comes back to bite you on the bum. You’re lucky that the mother either does not remember or has chosen to pretend it didn’t happen to protect the innocent parties. If I were you I would think myself fortunate. You appear to have dodged a bullet there. Could cause some interesting family get together if you and your girlfriend stay together.

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Dear Dr

Christmas has been a fraught time. I was late for dinner, having been to see my Mistress, and when I arrived my parents had got my laptop out to play music. Only problem is I had left a lot of things open and they now know about some of my kinks. They were furious and there were lots of rows.

They want me to stop that part of my life.


Hi K

Being accidentally outed is never a fun experience. Ultimately if you are an adult then it is up to you how you choose to live your life, as long as it isn’t hurting anyone else. I’m sure it was a big shock to your parents who had probably never been confronted with such activities and will no doubt find it hard to understand. If they are open to it try to explain it to them. Try to make them see what you get from it and why it is important to you. Unfortunately they will have to either accept it or accept that you are old enough to make your own choices.

Good luck and let us know how it goes.

Make sure to get your club and party reviews coming in, tell the world which are the best and worst swinging and BDSM venues that you have attended. Maybe you have found a hidden gem or have been disappointed by a well-known location, either way, tell the rest of the community.

Right then party people, until next time – stay decadent!

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Insta @dandecadence

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