In the 1990’s, I had fond memories of buying Fighters and Combat magazines. I even featured in a few copies! I was heavily into my martial arts back then, working my way to the coveted black belt in Kyokushinkai. One columnist who always gained attained was Geoff Thomson. Steeped with a rich background in karate, Geoff had a way with words, as much as he did with his arts. Twenty five years later I have the pleasure of discussing an excellent script he wrote, executing this with a winning combination of the Shammasian brothers (Ludwig and Paul) and none other than acting legend James Cosmo.
Filmed in only 3 days, The Pyramid Texts is a must see for basically anyone! The one man narration from Cosmo is so poignantly executed that true boxing aficionados will be able to resonate with the script, as will anyone from the general public. A variety of themes from substance abuse to dealings with the trappings of fame are addressed in a way that I’ve never seen before.
Cosmo’s son Ethan (CHECK) has a silent but extremely powerful part in the movie. Chatting with James after the movie, I understand Ethan is a very promising amateur boxer, boasting a 6-1 record at light heavy. Maybe he’ll be my next subject for a boxing Q & A?… You’ll also catch a glimpse of professional boxer Chris Evangelou, who spars with Ethan.
There’s a very sharp twist in the tail to this movie. To tell you what it is at this point, would be the equivalent of handing you your Christmas and birthday presents a month before they are due. I recommend a viewing. Tip – bring some hankies…