Astronomer’s SHOCKING discovery written in the stars due to clearer skies

A world leading ASTRONOMER Professor Yoel Havitov from Bulgaria has been left SHOCKED after clearer skies due to less pollution cased by COVID19 lockdowns has revealed for the first time ever a ‘Message In The Stars’ which read C*NT!

Professor Yoel Havitov told Daily Sport “This is the most SOCKING astronomical discovery of the 21st century and is living proof of where the saying ‘Written in the stars’ came from.”

Adding “We are now watching closer than ever before for further messages which may even come from beings living on other planets.”

Well yet again we are bamboozled by intergalactic B*LLOCKS from beings living on our own planet but have had their heads up the JACKSY for so long they have forgotten there is a world out there.

Maybe No.10 should take note and start using the STARS for advice instead of their current inept advisers who change their minds by the hour never mind the day.