Midweek 5 Minutes with Gail Harris


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Today we continue the SUMMER HEATWAVE with SPORT babe Gail and here is what she had to share with us here at SPORT HQ.

Q1. What name would you like us to refer to you as? Gail

Q2. Where are you from? I live in North Wales , I moved here from Manchester after leaving school 

Q3. Age? I’m 37 

Q4. What do you have for tattoos and how many hours have you put into them? I’ve lost count as I have so many and I don’t really have one favourite , I prefer my realism these days.

Q5. Any piercings? Not many. I’ve taken most of them out over the last 6 months 

Q6. How did you get your started in your industry? I used to help a friend out occasionally when he needed a model for his shoots, and it all went from there really when a few people said I should make myself a portfolio .

Q7. How long have you been in the business? I think its been around 3 years. 

Q8. What are some of your previous projects? I’ve been doing a horror calendar, been published in twisted edge and a few other magazines. I also did a small film last year which was pretty cool then I haven’t done anything much for a while. 

Q9. Do you have any upcoming projects? I have an idea I’d really like to do, its a calendar so I’m keeping my eye out for a few girls for my project. I’m also just finishing off a horror calendar so hopefully that will be ready for next year 

Q10. What type of music do you listen to and who is your favourite band or artist? I like a wide variety of music , it depends on my mood really to what I listen too at the time, I don’t like heavy metal music. My boyfriend is in a band called Busk til Dawn and I love going to there live gigs. I’m really excited for there first album which is being released soon

Q11. Do you have any hobbies? Oh god where do I start with this one! Haha  I have horses so I ride quite a lot, I used to compete to county level but I don’t really have the time at the moment , I hunt, shoot and fish. I’m a proper country girl , born and raised. I have lurchers which are my hunting dogs and I love lamping. Most outdoor activities I’m game to give a go but I also like normal girly things.

Q12. Are you into video games? Yes but I don’t really play that often 

Q13. Favourite sports and who is your favourite teams or persons? I’m  lucky to have a real ledgend of a grandad Jock McAvoy so I’ve got to say boxing, I’m actually reading a book written about his life now called the gloved dynamite which is amazing. I wasn’t told about him for many years because of the way he passed which is a shame because I couldn’t be prouder to have history like that in my family, I just wish I could have met him .

Q14. Favourite type of movie and favourite all-time movie? Well pretty much anything with Brad Pitt  

Q15. Favourite type of food and favourite meal? I’ve recently changed to a vegan diet and I’m loving all the food so much , I’ve got to say Thai veg curries at the moment are my favourite to make.

Q16. Favourite alcoholic drink? I gave up alcohol about 9 months ago but I used to love desperados 

Q17. Your No.1 inspiration in life? Well I think it’s got to be my friend Jody, we’ve been friends for over 20 years now she has CF but she never lets it get her down, she’s one of the strongest, bravest women I know and I hope we stay friends forever ❤️ she inspires me to never moan about my daily problems because she has so much more to deal with every single day. 

Q18. Measurements? 30DD size 6/8

Q19. Craziest, wildest or kinkiest place you’ve ever had sex? Haha now that would be telling , there’s been a few haha

Q20. Do you prefer to make love or fuck? I prefer to DOMINATE! 

Q21. Favourite sexual position? I have so many I couldn’t possible choose

Q22. An interesting or unusual fact about you? I just think I’m a bit unusual in general , I’m a country girl but don’t really fit the look so I get funny looks sometimes when I’m walking round with my hunting dogs which I suppose is classed more as a man’s hobby but I couldn’t care less , I do what I enjoy :)

Q23. Social media? Gailxxharris / official_vegan_huntress – instagram


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