Grimsby pensioner loses MEDICAL NEGLIGENCE claim after surgeons RUIN her SEXLIFE

A 71yo pensioner from GRIMSBY has lost her medical negligence claim against surgeons and an unnamed HOSPITAL who operated on her husband, Maggie Minger had claimed that since the OP her husband was no longer interested in SEX and it had ruined her sexlife, but in court barristers for the defence stated Mr Minger only had a CATARACT op. After this the court was in uproar and the case QUICKLY fell apart and was dismissed.

Our legal expert John from Levy & Frank said “Well you cannot argue with that outcome can you, although beauty is in the eyes of the beholder.”

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After losing the case Maggie told Daily Sport “Are them POSH twats saying I’m UGLY?” we declined to answer but an angry Maggie added “I was a STUNNA in my younger days every fella was after me.”

Well Sport Readers remember to think carefully before taking up the offer of SURGERY as a positive outcome for the patient may not be a positive outcome for their other half.