A German Shepard Geobbels named after the HITLER’S right hand man has been accused of GASSING 500 people at a DOG SHOW in Munich it has been reported by German media outlets.
The 2yo BEST IN SHOW has been dubbed the LUFT-WOOFER after the foul smells it dishes out at events.
Owner FRITZ GAUSBAGGER told DAILY SPORT “My dog is a pedigree and this is an outrage, I believe it was either another DOG or one of the other owners FARTING to put the judges off.”
Going by the pictures obtained by DAILY SPORT the DOG is clearly an OUT and OUT FASCIST.
We spoke to an organiser at CRUFTS here in the UK and they said off the record that “We would never have a dog with RIGHT WING tendencies nor one that GASES half the audience in any UK event.”
Well this DOG must certainly come under the DANGEROUS DOGS ACT!