Ingenious NEIGHBOURS, Sport Readers Albert and Bob from Skegness have found a novel way of still having a BEER together after the recent LOCKDOWN and social distancing measure came into force that stopped them going to their beloved LOCAL and also from having a BEER or 2 at each others houses, so they took down their FENCE so they could stay at home 2 metres apart and still have a good old fashioned PISS UP.
Life long SPORT READER Bob told Daily Sport “Me and Albert have been DRINKING buddies for over 30 years and were PISSED off to say the least when the pubs shut and we couldn’t even drink together at our houses, so we came up with taking a fence panel out.”
Albert added “At least now when we’re F**KED we ain’t got far to stagger home.”
DAILY SPORT says – You gotta love a blokes ingenuity when something stand between them and a PISS UP with their MATES.
If any other Sport Readers have come up with ways to get round having a few beers with their mates let us know [email protected]