50 Shades of Jacobs

Hello Everyone,

WOW WOW WOW, Marc Jacobs are selling sex accessories. Yes you heard right!!!!! Isn’t this just amazing!!!!! And right in time for the launch of the 50 Shades of Grey movie. And also for Valentines Day!!!!
Also do you think you will be having sex in your 70/80’s? No? Think again and read on……………….



Chantelle 150Sex just got fashionable…………….

With the up and coming greatly anticipated 50 Shades of Grey Premiere on Valentines Day, you can expect February to be filled with a lot of BDSM.
Well guess what, Marc Jacobs is only releasing a sex accessory collection to spice up your bedroom antics, who knew you could mix high fashion with sex (unless your leaving your Louboutins on as well.)
The collection features decidedly more racy fashion like the leather heart nipple pasties, a collar set and a heart-shaped riding crop.

So before you rush out and spend a bomb on designer BDSM gear, if you haven’t read 50 shades of grey you want even know what BDSM is. So let me explain a little.

In the most basic form BDSM (Bondage & Discipline/ Dominance & Submission/ Sado-Masochism) is all about the erotic and sexual acts and mind-sets of dominating and relinquishing control.
Over the years BDSM has got a pretty bad rep, but the basic principles in the long run if you engage with it, it may turn you on in a way that you would never even have thought about.
The fact that the standard media representation of BDSM is of something seedy and silly and sometimes make it feel like a taboo. But if women take the reins it can actually increase their sexual confidence and sense of agency, while giving men a break from having to be ‘on top’, psychologically as well as literally which is the standard dynamic for most couples.
The trick is to have an open mind to sexuality, obviously anything which causes harm to your partner or yourself isn’t good (well actually it’s illegal) but we’re all humans and exploring the parts that make us a little different is what can make a hugely beneficial relationship.

So there you have it, as Valentines Day is around the corner and if you’re feeling daring why don’t you invest in some Marc Jacobs sex gear.
Will you still be having sex when your a senior citizen?

If you thought your parents/grandparents were just quietly playing rummycub with each other, then you are wrong, indeed. A new study proves that people over 70 are still sexually active. And since we are all going to get there someday, it’s kind of nice to know there is still hope, right?

The study, from The University of Manchester and NatCen Social Research, questioned 7,000 people in their 70’s and 80’s. About 54 percent of the men and 31 percent of the women said they were still sexually active. Not terrible, right? And, of those, one-third said they had frequent sex, at least twice a month.

At the very least at least it increases awareness that older people are vibrant and vital is a positive step in the right direction.

On the other hand, those numbers seem low. It’s great that they are getting busy at all and we’d all like to think we are in that one-third of women who are still happy and healthy and getting it on, but that means two-thirds of us won’t be. That means a woman who is forty right now, if she falls into that majority, will no longer be sexually active in just thirty short years?

Something about this just breaks my heart.

Still, it’s important to focus on the good here. And there is a lot. If sex isn’t all you hope for in your 20’s and 30’s, isn’t it comforting to know you have another 60 or 70 years to keep practicing? And if it IS good, well then you are in luck, too. It’s just going to keep getting better and it’s not going to stop. Pretty nice, right? Maybe it’s time we stopped looking at old people as gross or quiet or weird or not important. We will all get there someday and it’s nice to know things may still be exciting.


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